Get Fit

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm here, sort of

My home computer is down for the count so I'm working from a public library computer for a while.

How's the weight loss going for everyone?  I was bummed for a little while until I decided I was tired of being depressed over something I have control over.  It's when you make up your mind that things start to happen for you.  I weighed in this morning at 201.8 after weighing in Monday a week ago at 209.

I started running again, freezing cold or not.  I got my stability ball out of the closet and reclaimed my weights from the kids.  I changed back to eating better (not that I stopped, I had just gotten lazy about it) and the weight fell right off.  I added warm lemon water to my morning wake up routine and have lost several inches as a result of all of the above.  Try it. (Unless you're allergic to lemon, in which case you can use cucumber in your water instead)

That's all it takes.  Make up your mind. Dont' be wimpy and wishy washy. Just do it.

In other news, I'm taking a temporary leave from my current job to focus on family and my health since psoriasis has reared its ugly head in a nasty head to toe outbreak. sigh.  I'll be submitting my weight loss story to AOL;s That's Fit by the end of this month so be watching for the announcement when my story is up for viewing!

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