Get Fit

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hmmm, those ads

I added an "Amazon Shopping" bar to the side.  It's supposed to have relevant items to complement my blog that are available on Amazon, I'm not sure I ever advocated smoking a pipe on here, did I?  If you watch long enough Jackal Pipes will pop  up on the shopping block.  Oh well.  I guess beggars can't be choosers now can they?

I've added a mp3 clip bar so if you want to listen to music just click on it.  Right now I have  country music available, next week I'll probably switch to rap and hip hop because I am equally addicted to both genres with no sign of it switching in favor of one over the other anytime soon.

On the bottom of my blog there are some interesting little gadgets with seasonal fruits/veggies available by state, just click the drop down and go to your state.  The other is allegedly healthy tips, apparently it is more ads than anything, but I'm leaving it there to balance the blog's look for now.

Do I need to add anything or is it fine like it is?

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