Get Fit

Monday, October 31, 2011

Things I've Learned

I have much touted the effectiveness of Anne Louise Gittleman's (ALG)Perimenopause zappers solution so you would think I'd pay attention to my own advice, right?  Apparently not.  I've lapsed back into malaise.  My lower back hurts from lack of the core strengthening exercises pilates offers.  My waist  is no longer as trim as it was, granted it's still there, but I've gained inches there instead of pounds.  My period is out of whack.  A month long cycle after years, yes, years of having it under control using ALG's solution and here I am right back where I started, minus the weight.

It's time for some motivation that I lack.  Don't get me wrong I'm still pissed off at my husband which is probably why my weight isn't inching back up. I want to make excuses.  I do.  But when it comes right down to it, there is no excuse for it.

I wanted to post my before and after picture to motivate myself but it seems there is some kind of block on the library comp that I'm using so I can't do that.


If you have some moving words of motivation you'd like to shoot my way, I'd love to hear from you.

I'm thinking it may be time to set a goal...not a lofty one...perhaps start training to do another 5k next year with a better finish time?

Aim for that bikini that I didn't fit into because I'd stopped exercising.

Hmmm, I don't know. 

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