Get Fit

Sunday, April 29, 2012


I get the following questions fairly frequently:  do you exercise. Yes.  Lightly.  I had stopped pilates and running last November after nearly bleeding to death.  My heart still doesn't like me much as a result, but it now just deals with it.  I just slow down what I'm doing.  I don't go full stop just slow and steady.

What do you eat? or Do you eat?  Yes.  I eat.  The question should actually be what don't you eat?

Do you do those fad diet shakes? Yes and no.  I don't push the diet shakes hard except as supplements or a quick breakfast.  You can't re-learn to eat correctly by relying on diet shakes to get the weight off.  They become old/boring quickly. They become expensive habits really fast. Once you stop using them the weight comes back. They're not really satisfying either.

The best shake out there (in my opinion only) is the chocolate shake by Shakeology.  I add half a cup of diced avocado, 1 tbsp cocoa, and chocolate coconut milk to mine.  Hits the spot when I have a chocolate craving.

How about weight watchers/lean cuisine etc: They're fine too, in the short term.  Once again, these meals get old and boring quickly and you didn't learn anything except they're expensive. Once you go 'off' them the weight comes back.

Diet pills?  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  Diet pills are an invitation for disaster.

Fad diets like HCG, etc? You tell me, how do you lose weight? Getting some injection or just eating 500 calories a day.  Call it the starvation diet, skip the injections/liquid drops, they're useless, and you'll still lose weight, simply because you're now borderline anorexic.

It took a while to get the weight on, some fad something or other diet won't take it off quickly.  If it does, believe me the fat will return almost tenfold as quickly as it left.  If it's a pill, listen to me, there is no magic pill, just a man or woman out there at the head of the company hawking this miracle pill who is laughing all the way to the bank.

If any of the diet schemes out there actually worked no one would be overweight and the 'diet' companies would be out of business.

If you SERIOUSLY want to lose the weight you'll do what it takes.  You'll put in the SWEAT EQUITY. You'll EARN your body back. You won't line the pockets of the shareholders in Joe's magic weight loss pill company any more.

If you really and truly want the weight off, lemme hear a loud echoing YES!

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